ETV girls 27/10 - 2/11

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26.10.2008, 11:52

ETV girls 27/10 - 2/11

Missing: Amanda, Evah, Jennifer, Lena

New: Alicia, Barbie, Elsa

01.11.2008, 14:04

Re: ETV girls 27/10 - 2/11

Fears about Randa, Lena already runaway?

Bella unmasked again at ETV2.

26.10.2008, 19:07

Re: ETV girls 27/10 - 2/11

I appreciate bellerophon's job very much.

26.10.2008, 14:02

Re: ETV girls 27/10 - 2/11

@Mauro ,stay possitif i'm sure you/we will see Randa again ,remember she was a time not at he shows but suddenly Randa was again there ,so let's wait and see ,if only etv would give us back the chedule than we know a bit more ofcourse .

Kind Regards


26.10.2008, 13:54

Re: ETV girls 27/10 - 2/11

@ Mauro

Randa was in the show on 23/10/2008.

She had a short appeareance before we became  the black screen.

Later when ETV was again on air she wasn't there.

I also think she will be a big loss if she leaves

26.10.2008, 13:40

Re: ETV girls 27/10 - 2/11

I've hear Hans yesterday in the late night show saying that Kaleya will return as a model but i think it will be in 14 days and not this week , because he answert a sms from Rhett ,so let's wait and see what will happen ( i'm patient ,and waiting) I think this will be good news for some of us ? ( atleased for me ,geweldig :)) ) But if i would ask something of etv ? than it would be "can we please have the chedule back so that we know when our favorit girls are at the show ? " But i guess it will only stay as a question and they will not give it back to us . Schame.

Kind Regards


(the three musketeers-the red/white shark)

26.10.2008, 13:16

Re: ETV girls 27/10 - 2/11

Sorry bellerophon if I used some wrong words. But in the meanwhile I like this board more than ETV itself.

So i don't care any more which girls are on air or not because all my favs are gone.

But if the shows turn hot again... but that's Science Fiction.

Have a nice sunday.

26.10.2008, 12:11

Re: ETV girls 27/10 - 2/11

I just hope that Randa did not leave, I just noticed her appearence on ETV during the big birthday party but didn't see her in any other show. Any info or did I miss sth? Would be a huge loss.

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