Chans - how do you get out of this mess?
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Don't know what happened with my first posting - try again...
Yesterday (26.1.08) I returned home from a concert and to relax a bit before bedtime I switched on ETV. And what did I see: apparently Chans had organized a poetry contest. The task was to VIP the most poetic nonsense to a model; the winner was promised a piece of this girl's underwear. Yes, they found a winner: a Mr. Volki from siG (somewhere in Germany). So Alayah deposited her string in an envelope, and Chans procured Mr. Volki's address. But here the problem begins. You all know the peekaboo ETV goes to hide the place of its headquarters (notwithstanding the fact that the town is mentioned on the website of the owner firm). Now when the postman brings me a parcel, I can see from where this parcel comes. Even if the sender stays anonymous, there are still the stamps. So, when Mr. Volki gets his present in a few days, what will he see? Does Chans use a relay station (Mr. Ressel, fan Udo) to hide his real place? Or will M. Volki get a visit from a lawyer with a contract to maintain silence beforehand? Chans, if I were at your place, I would feel very uneasy. Or what do you think, how can Chans save his skin? |
Post: #11 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 02.02.2008, 13:03 02.02.2008, 13:03 Re: Chans - how do you get out of this mess?Well done, kasenit: From Chans to XaHc! It's a long, long way to Tipperary... |
Post: #10 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 02.02.2008, 12:39 02.02.2008, 12:37 Re: Chans - how do you get out of this mess?
HvB wrote:
> And the sender address is Franz Ressels Austrian address. So my guess that Chans (or maybe I should write XAHC - first try didn't work, so have to use latin letters) uses Ressel as relay was correct. Could it be that he reads this forum? I too saw that envelope, but dit not record the show, so had no opportunity to analyze what his fingers didn't hide. But I was sure someone would do it! So Volki ant the Austrian winner will see Austrian stamps on their envelopes. I hope they are not stamp collectors who would be disappointed not getting the much rarer ones from SE Europe. |
Post: #9 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 02.02.2008, 01:10 02.02.2008, 00:53 Re: Chans - how do you get out of this mess?Tonight someone has won Zita's panties. Just watched Zita taking off, quite wonderful. Lucky man, whoever is. And of course thanks Zita, wonderful performance. |
Pity Malena's underwear is not in competition, I just have thought about her bra. :)))))))))))) |
Post: #7 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 01.02.2008, 22:46 01.02.2008, 22:25 Re: Chans - how do you get out of this mess?And the sender address is Franz Ressels Austrian address. Tonight they are going to repeated it. I guess someone has read the archive ;-) |
Just seen the package, meister Hans showed the label with address of this Volker. Good job, dude. :)))))))) I think there's an academy for ETV moderators. :))))))) |
Just one of etv bizarre things to complete the program, a simple case of people having no idea of a good show. I also came home late to watch recorded night session, and I must say it was really below every level to me. Number of old models doing really bad show, and if I am not wrong 3-4 barbies doing also nothing. So much for the night show. I dont think that those undies will come to that adress. And yes, many answers here are connected with Gia, simply because she is always on schedule, and her shows simply suck. Here she is again watching over Donna. I hope donna will go on in hot way. |
Post: #4 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27.01.2008, 10:47 27.01.2008, 10:33 Re: Chans - how do you get out of this mess?Hmm...if I remember right the Chans (I refer to the Chinese American detective Charlie Chan and his sons) always managed to get out of each mess with the help of their cleverness. So, dear Mr Kasenit, why did you dare to doubt that this famous detective wouldn't be able to be successful again?;-)) BTW I didn't read your whole post, merely the headline. I didn't want to waste my time... |
Volki and Aliyah are an item !!! it is no big deal - con - con - con |
I suggest Star Trek teletransport. :))))))) Too many risks to send that item by postal service, maybe some post employèe is also a user of this site. :))))) |
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