A New Direction ?
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Dictionary definition: Director - someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a show It's a well known fact that everyone wants to direct. The actor sees it all from his or her side and thinks he or she can do it just as well if not better. The camera person thinks just as equally. And even a documentary narrator or two has tried their hand. And from the Dream Factory (which is how I will refer to ETV from now since it is a land of dreams and illusions) things are no different. I once asked one of the 'actors' / turned director of what she wanted out of her experience. "I wanted to present my creative ideas but most of the time they would not let me". I also raised one more question . "But what does a director actually do ?" The answer was quite blunt and very honest. "Get's paid more than the actors" So deep down there is no encouragement to be truly creative. Of the current crop, let's just pause and consider thier creative ideas. For one, it is bounding into the studio and speaking in a language that even the targetted viewers/callers have difficulty in understanding. She also resurrected another older idea this past week when the girls had a break and swapped roles with the crew - i.e let the idiots run the asylum. And while there is some merit in this to let the girls have a giggle it is impossible to determine how much income was lost as the 'swap' simply went on for too long. So were they giggling after the show when they saw their net earnings ? For another, the brainwave was to auction off the model's underwear to the best SMS sent or possibly the most. And while there was some novelty in this for a few weeks it soon became rather predictable. A few weeks ago, a 'winner' sent a another SMS complaining that after some four weeks he had still not received his prize. Maybe he should not really worry about that as in that same show there were two 'winners' and the other model was not too careful in revealing that she had two pairs of panties on which shattered the whole illusion. The director is judged on results but it seems that without direction those results are out of thier control. So I ask another question. If there is no creativity then what is the benefit to the viewer/caller in having a show director. They manged for a long time (it changed I believe in early 2007) without one. So if there are savings to be made, do not make them at the expense of cameras. Make a new direction or better still make the directors justify their existance and bring back the movement and the creativity that has so long been missing. |
DB: Also among the recent productions the “theme shows” were better than the rest (excepting the kindergarden, of course) and not so infernally boring. I do not know whether they were directed by the one director you mentioned only or others directed them also. But proliferated squabbling and bickering among several directors (and their respective equipage !) responsible for the same general programme -- and each one of them a superego almost by definition -- has the same result all the time. Either there is a rapid down-sliding of over-all quality or the strongest (not necessarily the best) takes over as commander of the fleet with dubious results. The usual construction to place one “programm thinker”, not necessarily a director himself (or herself), in charge of all with absolute power to stop this bickering does not seem to have been implemented by ETV, which would have come nearest to my proposal of rejuvenation at the top. If only half of what is told in the answer of Charles4711 of 09-01-04 to the Posting “Leaving part 2” is true it is of the utmost importance that there is some replacing of responsible personal immediately. Patricia was one of the highlights of the last few months. |
The sad thing is that most of the creative directors have left the channel. Yet some of those also left because they were not being allowed to express their creativity. But there does remain one very good and very creative director. I do not wish to embarass him by mentioning his name although I have used many other names to describe him in the past. It was he who was responsible for that excellent 'Ist night in the forrest' show in the early part of last year. I am not sure but he may also have been responsible for the first hour or so of the initial fitness-studio show in March 2007. He has the talent. He has the ability. If he could only channel that talent and abilty to the others at the tv then I am sure we would see a very different program. |
DB: In general usage the term „Dream Factory“ means the Hollywood movie industry with all its negative as well as positive connotations. Is it not a bit like shooting cannon at sparrows to name ETV (another) dream factory ? Being a director of any kind of artistic production has been subject to very drastic changes of meaning. Formerly a director was nothing but a moderator of an ensemble of actors and actresses with the task of smoothing over difficulties between these persons. Nowadays there is talk of the dictatorship of the director over the members of his troupe. At ETV’s productions there is neither one nor the other form of directorship discernible, only changing influences by warring factions among all persons behind the camera. Of course, this also negates all “creative” impulses which might develop among these. As I mentioned several times before (… not working on my memory, HvB …) in my opinion only a general and complete change of management and of directorship could accomplish a change for the better. As might be expected this would also have profound influences on the direction the whole form and content of ETV’s programme takes. |
DB ok, the directors are unable |
hmmm ... someone has to work on his memory .... [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] or [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] |
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