Caliente TV

4.33 (3 Bewertung(en))

(4.33 / 5, 3 Bewertungen)

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Autor Beiträge

10.07.2015, 09:35

Re: Caliente TV

Here's Nomy's show from last night. There were two sections, hence why two files.

Things to be aware of:-
1. original as aired files (mpeg)
2. Starsat runs at quarter resolution, so only 352x288 resolution, and bitrate isn't high
3. audio volume is very low, but is there and is in sync

But still good enough quality to enjoy the shows.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] 47:55, 249Mb
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] 47:32, 247Mb

JFZola wrote:
Olmost wrote:From page of Facebook:

"Divided on Starsat (Hotbird 13 Est) DIVIDED Nomy MALONE ALL READY IN FRONT OF THE TV WITH PHONE IN HAND:Thursday, July 9, at 22 o'clock p.m."! Given the censorship that exists in Italy for some years at least she should show her tits!,

Frequency Starsat: Hotbird 13 Est, 10775, H, 29900, 5/6

please someone record the oncoming show ,thanks

04.07.2015, 00:10

Re: Caliente TV

Olmost wrote:From page of Facebook:

"Divided on Starsat (Hotbird 13 Est) DIVIDED Nomy MALONE ALL READY IN FRONT OF THE TV WITH PHONE IN HAND:Thursday, July 9, at 22 o'clock p.m."! Given the censorship that exists in Italy for some years at least she should show her tits!,

Frequency Starsat: Hotbird 13 Est, 10775, H, 29900, 5/6

please someone record the oncoming show ,thanks

03.07.2015, 07:43

Re: Caliente TV

From page of Facebook:

"Divided on Starsat (Hotbird 13 Est) DIVIDED Nomy MALONE ALL READY IN FRONT OF THE TV WITH PHONE IN HAND:Thursday, July 9, at 22 o'clock p.m."! Given the censorship that exists in Italy for some years at least she should show her tits!,

Frequency Starsat: Hotbird 13 Est, 10775, H, 29900, 5/6

26.06.2015, 17:11

Re: Caliente TV

Johnbirracchio wrote:Dear friend of liveshow-TV,
if you want to find movies from India and Nikol Brown that you go to the website [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] (retro sexy bar) there you find some, you can just download them.
Best regards.

thanks my friend

24.06.2015, 10:10

Re: Caliente TV

Dear friend of liveshow-TV,
if you want to find movies from India and Nikol Brown that you go to the website [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] (retro sexy bar) there you find some, you can just download them.
Best regards.

24.06.2015, 06:35

Re: Caliente TV

any video of india ??Cry

15.03.2015, 00:24

Re: Caliente TV

any video of nikol brown on caliente?

18.02.2015, 07:52

Re: Caliente TV

bigfoot57 wrote:As far as i can tell i think the online shows that were playing up till a couple of weeks ago have stopped i haven't been able to see anything for past 2 weeks before that it was on 24/7 has anyone else seen any video stream from the site since the start of February 2015



They actually are NOT ever more divided: they sent for a bit 'of days old soft clip (recorded live shows and chat line both soft), then, they are rispariti again!

18.02.2015, 02:12

Re: Caliente TV

As far as i can tell i think the online shows that were playing up till a couple of weeks ago have stopped i haven't been able to see anything for past 2 weeks before that it was on 24/7 has anyone else seen any video stream from the site since the start of February 2015



14.01.2015, 20:53

Re: Caliente TV

kris6790 wrote:Hot Spots Smile

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Download from [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
or [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Can you repost please?

13.01.2015, 22:07

Re: Caliente TV

Yeah I just checked and it seems to be a silver light stream that is pulling a playlist of their previous shows.
You can also view this in VLC with [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] You can use the skip forward button to change the show. Maybe its just this until they actually come on live?

13.01.2015, 17:22

Re: Caliente TV

They also wrote on their Facebook page:


p.s.: they don't come back on tv (only on-line!).

13.01.2015, 17:07

Re: Caliente TV

Olmost wrote:They have just gone on-line:

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

There is something strange happening with their stream.
I have opened four tabs with the stream and I get 4 different streams all at the same time Confused(all past shows by the way).
Same happens if you keep refreshing.
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

13.01.2015, 15:47

Re: Caliente TV

They have just gone on-line:

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

09.05.2014, 21:00

Re: Caliente TV

JFZola wrote:can anyone capture the current tv shows??!!

Live shows are still NOT there! They are still on test!