Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

4.11 (9 Bewertung(en))

(4.11 / 5, 9 Bewertungen)

Autor Beiträge

23.06.2010, 09:37

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

did someone record shakyra yesterday?

22.06.2010, 21:44

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

Please record Justine!!

22.06.2010, 20:07

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

today Elena Gremaldi & SYMBA, 23.06 Roberta Gemma, 24.06 Ilka Summer, 25.06 Justine, 27.06 Chenel 27 & SYMBA.
In loveIn loveIn loveIn love:inlove:Very much it would be desirable to see all it!!!!!!!!!!

21.06.2010, 18:21

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

The answer can be found in the TOS of paypal: No services for adult content ...

21.06.2010, 17:38

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

Hello friends

I am a fun of the diva futura channel from greece and I am trying to buy a password but the phone number they give for the credit card payment does not work. Does anyone know how to get the password?? A few weeks earlier they used the paypal method and everything worked just fine , I dont know why they stopped it!!!! Thank you.

21.06.2010, 00:17

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

hot hard channel

20.06.2010, 22:43

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

thank you for this videos

19.06.2010, 01:52

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

Is it really so that only italians can watch this channel when it's encrypted? If so, it must be only reruns now that all of them are watching football for three weeks. Otherwise the poor girls will have no callers at all I think.

It would be nice if someone could at least describe what the girls do in the liveshows and it would be even better if some of it were to be posted. There are a lot of people outside of Italy who like some of these girls a lot. Some shows have been uploaded, wich I'm very grateful for, but I'd still like to see more.

Have anyone tried to share the password you get when you call the phonenumber? What does it give you access to? Does it get killed if more than one person uses it?

18.06.2010, 12:00

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

no body have some stuff from christina bella on diva hard

17.06.2010, 16:05

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

Any news about ROBERTA GEMMA? does she make diva futura night show? she is the best of the best!!!!!!!!!!

17.06.2010, 00:28

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

Next Sunday(20-June),Symba in direct at 23:00.I expect that Pepers,Mauro,...will can record the show and post it.Thanks.

16.05.2010, 21:44

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

very hard channel Thumb upCoolCool

10.05.2010, 18:20

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

Hello people
Thank you for your majority-like work what you have made up to now is simply noteworthy.
Some people like I do not have the possibility
To see diva futura hard channel, can pursue only about this forum.
Hence, I am grateful about everybody video.
however, though it is a mild expressed I say it, nevertheless, friends thank-you.
Further in such a way.....

02.05.2010, 22:59

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

Big GrinHearti love diva futura

02.05.2010, 22:43

Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion

Cool:thumbup:diva very hot