Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion
Autor | Beiträge |
8ball wrote:Was it really Schicchi? That'd be amusing - him posting on a forum that used to be (don't know about now, I haven't checked in a while) a source of links to download rips from Diva Futura-produced DVDs. Well, I didn't exactly stated Schicchi is the smartest man on Earth, when coming on the net (no pun intended). Anyway that forum is for sure the most popular in Italy, about that specific matter, if he was supposed to attract viewers. |
lyes_10 wrote:Why you offend me,8ball to tell lies about my nickname, I write what see in the television diva futura channel " coming soon " and for the forum, I speak about the channel which is going to open on May 1st and not of the swindle of the other subscribers, be careful 8ball Beh non si capiva benissimo - it was not that clear you were reporting the "coming soon" onscreen card on DFCH. No offense meant, I thought that I was being assinine (=presa x il culo) not offensive about your nick. It's good I didn't ask if the 10 in your nick was your age.... After all, I chose my nick from the size of... oh, forget about it . C'mon man, you're Italian and you don't have some sense of humour? If you still believe in what DF tells you, you must have a lot! However my point was not to kid about nicks or flame somebody, but to warn the gullible from too much optimism. This thread is about DFC HARD, ok? So that's the $ub$criber channel, not the FTA DFC. Who would want to give a shot (and their dough) to an upcoming (?) pay channel that's gonna be run by questionable folks, or at least in questionable ways - e.g., as you may know from the superzeta forum or from just watching italian tv, DF/Rolsat is still running tv ads on multiple channels for their multi-(6?)channel cards (the "Daring" bouquet or whatever it's called) as if they're all up-and-running while only TWO of those channels are currently broadcasting. Oh, and I haven't mentioned their website... [why don't we have a pukey smiley on this forum?) Like I said, if you have the old DFCH card, keep your fingers crossed. If you haven't one, beware of DF/Rolsat-related "offers". |
Why you offend me,8ball to tell lies about my nickname, I write what see in the television diva futura channel " coming soon " and for the forum, I speak about the channel which is going to open on May 1st and not of the swindle of the other subscribers, be careful 8ball
equation wrote:The saddest part is it's actually gave to be considered a sort of "official announcement": Riccardo Schicchi himself openly wrote on that forum years ago, apparently for some reason deciding that was the "modern" way to get in touch with DF viewers... Was it really Schicchi? That'd be amusing - him posting on a forum that used to be (don't know about now, I haven't checked in a while) a source of links to download rips from Diva Futura-produced DVDs. |
8ball wrote:They even make fun of the fact you copied/pasted/translated a post that appeared on that forum passing it off as "the channel's official announcement" - the text is taken from a post on that forum and its source is debatable. The saddest part is it's actually gave to be considered a sort of "official announcement": Riccardo Schicchi himself openly wrote on that forum years ago, apparently for some reason deciding that was the "modern" way to get in touch with DF viewers... As far as I can assume, he actually lives still in the 80s and even the simple idea of a streaming live show should have come from somebody else mind. He talks to the fans, but he's not ready to talk WITH them. |
Post: #293 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 07.04.2011, 20:40 07.04.2011, 20:30 Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussionlyes_10 wrote:[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] @ lyes_10 (lies?!) and anyone else still interested in this (ex-?)channel: If you understand Italian and read the whole thread @ the linked forum, you would see quite clearly that most DFCH subscribers are quite ticked off about the scam they've been victim to, and their hopes of seeing the channel resume transmission on May 1 are pretty scant. They even make fun of the fact you copied/pasted/translated a post that appeared on that forum passing it off as "the channel's official announcement" - the text is taken from a post on that forum and its source is debatable. Apparently the company that runs the channel is offering partial (meager) refunds (although the deadline to demand them was end of 2010, 2 months after transmission stopped for good) to unhappy subscribers, while trying to convince everyone to keep their card, or better yet buy a new one, "once transmissions resume", if ever. My suggestion: forget about this channel for good. Or, if you're an existing subscriber, just wait and hope they resume broadcasting and compensate you by extending your subscription. |
GOOD NEWS Diva Futura Hard " COMING SOON "
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
diva futura profile |
where did you read it?
i look for some information on the web site but i can't find it..thanks |
Post: #289 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 02.04.2011, 18:35 02.04.2011, 18:15 Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussionlyes_10 wrote:hi goodday, the on air trasmission will re start again from the 1 may, this is what out operator comunicated us, there will be one only channel's card to payback all the members who didn't watch the show. As usual all the other news all around are only fantasies, useless rumors. Soon (within 4 o 5 days) there will be uploaded, on our website, new on air transmissions, that they will be visible only with password. Passoword that will be more cheap or double duration. Thanks for your suggestions and once more i assure you: divafutura will never go down. One last thing: the numbers 899 and the playback soft shows are useful only to cover the costs of the bandwich because the bandwich is payed every months, transmissions coded or not. cya all. (i hope this translation is ok, sorry if not). |
The official message of the channel diva futura Channel of ......:(March 12th but in Italian, I believe it is by May 1st Buongiorno,le dirette riprenderanno a partire dal 01 Maggio,questo è quello che l'operatore ci ha comunicato,saranno comunque immesse sul mercato card da un solo canale (Diva Futura) per risarcire tutti gli utenti che in questi mesi non hanno usufruito della visione. Come sempre tutte le altre notizie che circolano sono frutto della fantasia di qualcuno. A breve(4/5 gg) verranno caricate sul sito web nuove dirette che saranno visibili, in quanto hard, solo tramite password che ci apprestiamo a diminuire di prezzo o raddoppiare la durata. Grazie per i vostri consigli,e ancora una volta vi tranquillizzo,Diva Futura non ha alcuna intenzione di chiudere i battenti,anzi..... Ultima cosa,i numeri 899 e le repliche o dirette soft servono solo a coprire i costi della banda fino alla nuova codifica,perchè la banda si paga ogni mese a prescindere se il canale è codificato o meno. Saluti a tutti end |
giampi wrote:lyes_10 wrote:1st may Which one is right |
lyes_10 wrote:1st may poor deluded... |
1st may
Post: #284 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 31.03.2011, 21:11 31.03.2011, 16:47 Re: Diva Futura Channel - General Discussion
Diva Futura will be published when? Do you have to know
chery look forward to new shows |