Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!

2.6 (5 Bewertung(en))

(2.6 / 5, 5 Bewertungen)

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28.03.2013, 18:51

Re: sexysat remove is hotbird

maysam wrote:hi guys

crazy eutelsat removed again after 2years sexysat of hotbird.

please send email to eutelsat about Reason remove sexysat

dude , pick one reason :

1) csa
2) no money
3) just a test transmisson
4) transmission will start later at 18:00 cet and will end early at the next morning

28.03.2013, 01:03

Re: Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!

Now black screen, does anyone have news?SadSadSad

25.03.2013, 15:45

Re: Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!

I think the correct term is "uncensored" . The CSA forced Eutelsat some years ago to shut down these kind of FTA erotic and will do it again .

25.03.2013, 14:23

Re: Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!

trinestor wrote:... as far as I know Eutelsat is NOT allowing any HC action FTA .
So , have fun as long as it is on HB .

I remember the same story about Astra along time ago but Sexysat is on air until now.Will see...

25.03.2013, 14:12

Re: Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!

... as far as I know Eutelsat is NOT allowing any HC action FTA .
So , have fun as long as it is on HB .

25.03.2013, 13:09

Re: Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!

Some people in near past was sure that Sexysat will close because of,< hardcore> action . And what happen now? Sexysat now on hotbird not on the day but on night whithout any censorship. Now its clear what is allow and what no.. This move by sexysat can force liars to make real shows again . Will see soon .....

24.03.2013, 21:12

Re: Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!

cenk01 wrote:slopopopThumb down

I do not know if it is:
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

24.03.2013, 20:16

Re: Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!

slopopopThumb down

24.03.2013, 19:36

Re: Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!


STOP opening every hour a new thread about the SexySat shows on Hotbird!!!

24.03.2013, 18:52

Re: Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!

hi guys

sexysat start time 6:00pm at 6:00am

please call to sexysat models for stay in hotbird.

very thanks

24.03.2013, 14:17

Re: Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!

outside wrote:I think it's turned off at daytime.

@xyk-2000: Reading before posting can be helpful sometimes Smile

24.03.2013, 14:13

Re: Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!

No picture on Hotbird SexySat Tv ????Cry

24.03.2013, 02:34

Re: Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!

I could confirm SexySat on Hotbird and even on Sky Italy receivers (of course by "other channels" scan).
I think it's turned off at daytime.

23.03.2013, 20:36

new sexysat

new sexysat is on in hotbird
10815 H 27500

23.03.2013, 19:42

Re: Sexysat Now On Hotbird!!!

Sexysat works on Hotbird . Smile
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