Emanuela Botto

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09.01.2017, 10:37

Emanuela Botto

Hello friends,
I wanted to start this Thread as a girl named Emanuela Botto impressed me with its beauty and its thanks. Presents a programme of selling jewelry on TV sat 126 or 94, the gem is she, the Viewer watches his precious body and compares it to jewelry that tries to sell. Here I put two addresses: [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] of one of the most popular file hosting. I'm still not able to post pictures but I hope in all the friends of the forum.
Kind regards.

13.12.2018, 09:33

Re: Emanuela Botto

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
Dear friends,
after a long period of absence has returned to work on TV Emanuela Botto, always sells jewels. I am attaching an address showing his return.
On the occasion of the Christmas holidays I make all my sincere wishes.

02.02.2018, 16:58

Re: Emanuela Botto

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Dear friends,
I make some considerations on a video of Emanuela Botto as above posted, even as many others she has made remake the Lips losing in beauty and attraction. I thought the models wanted to look more and more beautiful and not denigrate their image.
Kind regards.

04.03.2017, 10:58

Re: Emanuela Botto

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

The ' valleys ' of the jewelry D'anna deny any wrongdoing ", the “Emanuela Botto” and others were selling jewelry on TV from higher value than the advertised actual gems,". It is unknown if the Lady is still in prison or under house arrest. This fact happened in December 2016.

The video in the address tells the story in Italian.

11.02.2017, 14:02

Re: Emanuela Botto

Dear friends,
I found two small video of Emanuela Botto. I hope you enjoy them.
Kind regards.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

10.01.2017, 11:48

Re: Emanuela Botto


Hi My friend Johnbirracchio!

Just in VLC - player has an advanced controls panel.

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

Click here ..

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

OK Thumb up

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

Your photo in in the image folder Smile

Next , any image hosting ...[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]


10.01.2017, 09:54

Re: Emanuela Botto

Hi Johnbirracchio, congratulations on learning how to record the stream which is actually the most difficult part Thumb up so uploading caps from it will really be a piece of piss. Also I am somewhat curious as to why I am the first forum member on this forum who has responded to your question. Come on gents Johnbirracchio is one of the nicest members here so the least we can do is give him a bit of help on the technical side. Lets all make a New Years resolution and not have questions like this staying dormant for almost 24 hours! We need to support each other a bit more on this forum Blush Rant over Smile

Right back to the question, if you play back the video you have created Johnbirracchio. I personally use VLC for this. In order to add caps to your upload. Do the following:

Use the pause button when you see a frame to your liking
Then Open video in full screen mode
Then its Print Screen on your computer/laptop
Save image as jpeg, call your first image as E01 for example
Next thing you need to do is upload your picture to a host site
I use this one - [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
Next it is choose image
Click on this, you will then be able to extract it from your folder
Next choose size - I like to use 640 for message boards but its entirely up to yourself
Once uploaded you will be taken to various link options
Choose Hotlink for forums
Select All and paste onto your post

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

I have used Supergirl as an example Big Grin

You will have to remove some of the link, if you hit the reply or quote button on my post you will be able to see which bits of the code are required and which ones can be removed.

Another way you can upload images is by going to google images and just by typing in Emanuela Botto you can post it directly without having to do it through an image uploader site. All I have done for this image was after I found an image on her to my liking I simply went view image and pasted the link in the picture icon which is located to the right next to the bold, italic and underscore function. However in the case of posting caps to accompany the video then you will have to do it the long way via a host - End of tutorial

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]
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