Amy Winehouse R.I.P

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23.07.2011, 18:58

Amy Winehouse R.I.P

Amy Winehouse as been found dead and police are treating her death as unexplained, she was 27 years old.


08.09.2011, 12:37

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

my apologies to all of you....i just saw this thread about amyConfused
here my tribute...excuse me againConfused

22.08.2011, 16:05

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

It´s never to late to say good bye but here it was to ealry! Cry

Sry for my awful english amyConfused

25.07.2011, 14:15

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

Big lost of a great voice!!

R.I.P. Amy

24.07.2011, 01:20

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

That`s a shock!
Maybe sadley her death is the price for her livestyle... May it serve as a warning for all
27 years it`s to much to young to die!
The world loss a great musican Cry

24.07.2011, 01:09

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

R.I.P. Cry

24.07.2011, 00:06

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

it is particularly sad, if a person is so young Sad


24.07.2011, 00:00

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

Jimi Hendrix,Janis Joplin,Jim Morrison,Kurt Cobain...and now Amy Winehouse...

She joined to the "less than 30's" club.

Hope her soul find the peace in eternity.

Rest in peace...

23.07.2011, 23:42

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

Very tragic, a talented artist with a superb voice who sadly has chosen the wrong way Sad But as I have a live DVD and 2 CDs from her I will always keep her in my mind.

23.07.2011, 23:15

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

It was a sad day today.

First the Killer of Oslo and then Amy Winehouse.

I feel really bad today. And we are complaining about ETV or other channels.....

I hope it wasn´t off Topic.

23.07.2011, 20:56

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

Nothing more to say, I really hope that her soul found the peace,
many of big artists left in the same circumstances,
and I do not know if there is a God,
but for us it is a new emptyness built up.Thumb down

23.07.2011, 20:44

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

r.i.p amy winehouse CryCryCry
i'll go back to black

23.07.2011, 19:57

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

I am very sad - one of the most lovely voices I have ever heard ! Cry
But maybe salvation for her - God can´t see the suffer anymore and takes her in his arms !!!!

23.07.2011, 19:40

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

I was her fan, too bad she died she sings really good, much better with such starlets as Kesha and Britney Spears

23.07.2011, 19:39

Re: Amy Winehouse R.I.P

Perhaps now, finally, she is already happy.
We lose a big artist