Live24 new decoration

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20.02.2008, 20:51

Live24 new decoration

hey mates can you see the difference of the new decoration?? i think it is much better now. actually steady cam is really good and girls are pretty enough.its worth watching.

03.03.2008, 20:52

Re: Live24 new decoration

i am not interested in phone numbers because we can see other live show channels are disguisting about these numbers except Live24. They put the number bottom and viewers are really happy about that  i think :)

01.03.2008, 15:02

Re: Live24 new decoration

If it was a matter of survival, then I´d understand but it is probably down to pure greed and nothing else. These people often run many channels, many many high price phone services (most with cheaply produced recorded stuff I bet) and probably websites too...and if I had to guess...I´d say they make a lot of money at the end of the day.

01.03.2008, 08:27

Re: Live24 new decoration

As long as people are silly enough to keep calling ... ok, Live24 is still watchable and better than many other liveshow channels, but just think of ALLOVE or the Italian channels. But you're right, Live24 has the same owner as XStream and the other phonennumber-filled clip channels, so it could become worse & worse ...

01.03.2008, 03:07

Re: Live24 new decoration

The decor is nice...but I see they have added more phone numbers on the screen now. Too bad....and in time they will probably add even more, that´s how it seems to work.

Some of these channels have a tendency to start out with very little on screen grafics only to add more and more over time.

Look at Eurotour-Xstream channel etc, they started out with 3 phone numbers, now there are phone number across the whole screen.

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