Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)

4.5 (4 Bewertung(en))

(4.5 / 5, 4 Bewertungen)

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01.12.2007, 18:33

Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)

After a long period she does hot poses again. Deep dildo insertion and closeups. And she look quite good when she doesn't drink too much Beck's beer in her shows (like this summer) :=D

She even looks better when I drink a beer. :-)))))

What a nasty girl with perfect tits. If someone has hires vids from Hot Chili?

I have only lores vids from AAA Sex Channel. Damn tv card.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

50 MB

05.08.2011, 10:42

Re: Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)

thank u so much for your excellent works

05.08.2011, 08:38

Re: Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)

lea di leo super hard

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

19.05.2010, 06:11

Re: Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)

lea di leo is very nasty girl i like that

03.12.2007, 02:01

Re: Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)

And here's the result:

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Video H.264 (~830kbps) Audio AAC, deinterlaced, sloppy cropping, no resizing (i.e. PAR 64:39 (was broadcasted in svcd res) so you'll need something that respects ARS, like VLC).

Didn't turn out quite as clean as I hoped, but that's what you get without tweaking. ;) Still not too bad, IMO.

03.12.2007, 01:04

Re: Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)

Nice surprise founding what had caught in my HD.

I did a really fast "edit" (basically, skipped through the show really fast in ab 10 minutes and cout out anything that didn't have dildo in it :)) and just doing an encode with "default" filtering - approximately 15 mins of footage remains.

Will post vid shortly - we'll see how it turns out.

02.12.2007, 21:25

Re: Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)


yeah she is hot and she have really nice Breasts :-))).

Too her site the Mouseicon is nice hehe.

And thanks for the Videos

02.12.2007, 01:07

Re: Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)

another dildo action for the fans:

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

40 MB

02.12.2007, 00:57

Re: Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)

I'm definitely NOT a fan of her, but she looks slightly better with her new hairstyle. I prefer models like Jennifer Max, Vanoza or Karol Gold.

02.12.2007, 00:37

Re: Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)

For the fans: [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] (quite a lot of interesting people on her friendlist ;-)

02.12.2007, 00:21

Re: Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)

Sorry it did not work. Would your Hardware work with different software?
see if it is supported here. 

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

btw Trousers not Dresses :-))

02.12.2007, 00:11

Re: Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)

Thx, skirtfull, :-)) but it just doesn't work.  It's a mystery for me.

Btw, there are not many Lea di Leo fans here, or?

01.12.2007, 22:51

Re: Sexy dildo afternoon, didumdidum..with Lea di Leo (video)


First, Thx for the vid.

Here is all the infomation I have on Hot Chili.
May I suggest manually entering the data to create a new channel on Hot Bird 13E, or if that does not work then modify an existing unwanted channel.

Channel- Hot Chili
Sat- Hotbird 13E
Freq- 11411Mhz
Symbolrate- 27500
Polarity- H
Forward error correction (fec)- 5/6
Stream id- 1100
Network id- 318
Provider- Scopus Network Technologi
Video pid- 2909
Audio pid-2910
Pmt pid- 2908
Video type- Mpeg 2
Pcr pid- 2909
Service pid- 14215


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