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Post: #1
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 01.09.2018, 07:51
07.11.2014, 23:00
stream to vlc player
vlc stream playlist.
the finished playlist.
cut and paste below into a text file and rename it .m3u
double click to run and your done.
----------------------------cut from here------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#EXTINF:-1,babecall hi
#EXTINF:-1,babecall mid
#EXTINF:-1,babecall low
#EXTINF:-1,babestation blue
#EXTINF:-1,babestation blue
#EXTINF:-1,babestation blue
#EXTINF:-1,babestation xtra
#EXTINF:-1,babestation xtra
#EXTINF:-1,babestation xtra
#EXTINF:-1,aisan babes hi
#EXTINF:-1,aisan babes mid
#EXTINF:-1,aisan babes low
#EXTINF:-1,aisan babes2 hi
#EXTINF:-1,bs4 hi
#EXTINF:-1,bs4 mid
#EXTINF:-1,bs4 low
#EXTINF:-1,bs5 hi
#EXTINF:-1,bs5 mid
#EXTINF:-1,bs5 low
#EXTINF:-1,studio66 tv 1
#EXTINF:-1,studio66 tv 2
#EXTINF:-1,studio66 tv 3
#EXTINF:-1,studio66 tv 4
#EXTINF:-1,Hot and Wet
#EXTINF:-1,Hot and Wet
-------------------------------------------------to here-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the latest list
1/9/2018 sadly due to the latest changes babestation implemented the list only works with vlc player.
sorry but this is beyond my control.
cleaned out old channels 1.9.18 added the default user agent string for mozilla

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27.04.2021, 01:47
Re: 720p Babestation24 Stream Links wanted
Is there any news out there, to help me out. I'm still dying with that creepy low quality stream.
864x480 babestation24 stream.
I found out even the options on the official site are worthless, the quality between 360p,480p and 720p dont change anything in the quality of the stream.
PM me if you have a solution.
Since the show is off from 1-2-3 TV the options are only a working vlc stream code.
jorrell wrote:babecatcher wrote:I'm searching for 720p VLC Streaming links to Babestation24 Germany.
A few months ago the finally have added a 720p Streaming Rate Option.
Any help is important, links to Topics or Personal Messages to me.
big Thanks
There are no 720p streams of BS24. They may have added this option on their site as an available resolution, but I have checked the source code
and metadata and can tell you that its still the original 864x480 upscaled and blurry as shit.
The only way to receive this channel in HD format is from 1.00am-4am CET on the channel via the Astra satellite
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17.03.2020, 18:14
Re: 720p Babestation24 Stream Links wanted
babecatcher wrote:I'm searching for 720p VLC Streaming links to Babestation24 Germany.
A few months ago the finally have added a 720p Streaming Rate Option.
Any help is important, links to Topics or Personal Messages to me.
big Thanks
There are no 720p streams of BS24. They may have added this option on their site as an available resolution, but I have checked the source code
and metadata and can tell you that its still the original 864x480 upscaled and blurry as shit.
The only way to receive this channel in HD format is from 1.00am-4am CET on the channel via the Astra satellite

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15.03.2020, 17:43
720p Babestation24 Stream Links wanted
I'm searching for 720p VLC Streaming links to Babestation24 Germany.
A few months ago the finally have added a 720p Streaming Rate Option.
Any help is important, links to Topics or Personal Messages to me.
big Thanks
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04.01.2020, 02:37
Re: stream to vlc player
Would love any info on how to record streams on Linux without the stoppages. Would be very much appreciated.
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Post: #171
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 29.12.2019, 12:42
29.12.2019, 12:41
Re: stream to vlc player
Any info. on how Linux users can record the streams without the stop/start problems of the VLC/Manifest method?
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16.12.2019, 00:42
Re: stream to vlc player
andyxm715 wrote:iluvcathy2 wrote:It used to be a lot easier to record the channels, but after they made changes erlier this year it has got harder and harder 
Do you use Windows or Linux, if you use Linux you can record S66 & BS 24/7
I use Windows & VLC player unfortunately
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07.12.2019, 23:22
Re: stream to vlc player
iluvcathy2 wrote:It used to be a lot easier to record the channels, but after they made changes erlier this year it has got harder and harder 
Do you use Windows or Linux, if you use Linux you can record S66 & BS 24/7
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04.11.2019, 21:46
Re: stream to vlc player
It used to be a lot easier to record the channels, but after they made changes erlier this year it has got harder and harder
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Post: #167
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 04.11.2019, 19:57
04.11.2019, 19:56
Re: stream to vlc player
iluvcathy2 wrote:rasputin67 wrote:Moonspell wrote:rasputin67 wrote:So, besides Luxor, we are all in the same boat.

can't speak on the other's side... but, yes - i think we're all in the same boat; the recocrdings, especially in the night, are nightmares...
total nightmares, doesn't work anything more than, 10/15 maximum minutes, maybe maybe,if you get lucky, 20/25 - but strictly maximum
Yes, same here. Night recordings are nightmares.
It appears that recording S66 is now virtually impossible, as it keeps timing out after 10 mins every time you try to record. 
I've not even managed to get 10 minutes yet using the vlc way, Ive not capped the channels in forever but thought Id start up again. I didnt realise it was such a pain now Im sure I just used to use Internet Download Manager, its annoying as Im seeing uploads of over 1 hour etc from people so there must be a better way still
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Post: #166
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 01.11.2019, 18:19
01.11.2019, 18:19
Re: stream to vlc player
rasputin67 wrote:Moonspell wrote:rasputin67 wrote:So, besides Luxor, we are all in the same boat.

can't speak on the other's side... but, yes - i think we're all in the same boat; the recocrdings, especially in the night, are nightmares...
total nightmares, doesn't work anything more than, 10/15 maximum minutes, maybe maybe,if you get lucky, 20/25 - but strictly maximum
Yes, same here. Night recordings are nightmares.
It appears that recording S66 is now virtually impossible, as it keeps timing out after 10 mins every time you try to record.
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Post: #165
Zuletzt bearbeitet: 06.09.2019, 09:11
06.09.2019, 09:05
Re: stream to vlc player
Luxor wrote:You can still record using VLC, it's just a bit more manual and annoying.
I'm using the Rampant site, but S66 works just as well (I presume BS too). Make sure you switch off the flash player.
Then just bring up the developer console (Q on Firefox, CTRL-Shift-i on Chrome, swap to the network tab and look for the manifest entry (bottom line on screenshot)
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]
Right click on it, copy -> copy url and paste it into VLC, it will stream from that point.
I know this may sound stupid, but when I follow these instructions using Chrome the manifest entry is on the top line. Then as it carries on playing it scrolls down and I get more and more of them.
Does that mean I should right click on the first one that appears?
[ Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
Also can anyone tell me why after recording for over an hour continuously, when I stopped the recording the saved video was only 15 minutes in length.
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18.04.2019, 22:28
Re: stream to vlc player
ajw106 wrote:Help needed please
I can't seem to play any streams from S66 or BS in VLC.I get the links straight from BS and S66 websites,and did manage to get them working up to a couple of days a go,but can't seem to now.Have they changed something,or do I need to add anything to the links?
As you will see from the previous posts on here recently, you are completely wasting your time unfortunately.
Even if you do manage to get the link to work in VLC player, it stops after about 10 minutes if you're lucky

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06.04.2019, 17:22
Re: stream to vlc player
Try PotPlayer, it opens the link but you still get timed out.
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05.04.2019, 22:35
Re: stream to vlc player
Thanks very much Luxor for your reply. I have tried it all again and I am getting a text very similar to the example you provided. But when I paste it into the Open Network I am just getting the same Red error message saying "VLC can't recognise the input's format" I am using VLC 2.2.6 umbrella. Maybe I need to update it to a later version?