Website Problem

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31.01.2012, 11:58

Website Problem

Is there someone, who can help me?
If I open this website, each time I get the message: _FML_Init2_'escrtPulse' is undefined.
This happens today the first time .
Thanks for advance

01.02.2012, 18:47

Re: Website Problem

Mauro wrote:I reckon ........ Best to switch to a modern browser like [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig], [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] or [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig].

Hi Mauro!
You are right; I used up to now IE, but will change, according your advice, now to Firefox.
After several Scans the problem is solved also on IE!!????

Thank's for the assistance, naturally also to Shirtfull and Tarl_Cabot

Best regards

01.02.2012, 12:48

Re: Website Problem

Seems like some people from Japan have the same problem:

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

And here's an English page dealing with the problem, however without any solution yet:

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

I reckon that you are using Internet Exploder to browse pages, and the problem seems to be IE's JavaScript engine. Best to switch to a modern browser like [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig], [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] or [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig].

01.02.2012, 12:16

Re: Website Problem


I would like to clarify, from what the error on my previous browser originated and correct this if possible. Perhaps I succeed still.

You don't tell us what browser you were using.

01.02.2012, 10:33

Re: Website Problem

nandi wrote:If I open this website, each time I get the message: _FML_Init2_'escrtPulse' is undefined.

the only hit of the google search is this thread. Confused

01.02.2012, 10:08

Re: Website Problem

Shirtfull wrote:Try a different browser

Hello Shirtfull!
Thank's for your advice; I had already made the switch to another browser and it works fine. Nevertheless, I would like to clarify, from what the error on my previous browser originated and correct this if possible. Perhaps I succeed still.

31.01.2012, 15:29

Re: Website Problem

Try a different browser
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