Rapidshare changes?

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06.08.2011, 16:55

Rapidshare changes?

probably being dim here, but has anything changed on RS in the last week?

I'm trying to download elmo's Natasha vid - click the link opens rs download page (accept the vlc activeX update), select to download and it takes me to the Welcome to Rs page, without giving me the download... can only do the same thing so many times so thought I'd ask.

obviously not a member, but have always been able to free download before, so wondered if anyone knows whats changed?


09.02.2015, 13:13

Re: Rapidshare changes?

Rapidshare has announced it's official date of death, it's the 31th of march.
so only 7 weeks and some hours to go before also the servers are offline and not only most of the RS links.

btw offline, as it seems are all my files marked as illegal and unlikely that I'll reup 700-800 GB to another OCH.
no idea if it was by .... whatever or if this has happened because of the same reason as it has happened to at least one other member.

brokingbull wrote:Meanwhile Mr. Sofkov is back, deleting files:
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

AngryAngryAngryThumb downThumb downThumb down

10.07.2014, 23:12

Re: Rapidshare changes?

dazaman wrote:Btw you can only download your files from links posted, RIP RS Smile
If you clear your RS cookies, or just login with another browser, you can avoid that notice and be free to view/download your files.
Might want to do it quick beause at this rate they'll be charging us just to login Big Grin

10.07.2014, 16:52

Re: Rapidshare changes?

Some quick news that now they have locked you out of getting to your folders and only by renewing your in Big Grin

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Btw you can only download your files from links posted, RIP RS Smile

12.06.2014, 15:17

Re: Rapidshare changes?

RS always problem for me

08.06.2014, 13:51

Re: Rapidshare changes?

Important or not so important notice

my present account at RS is valid until 06.09.2014

I will not be extending this under the present conditions

I will not be moving 300 GB = 1500 files to another file hoster.

get the files while you can

over and out

08.06.2014, 12:18

Re: Rapidshare changes?

I got a request earlier, which i'm currently uploading to another host, the RS link is still active for me at least so i downloaded and at full speed Thumb up

Now it appears that others will be viewing this in the future.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

I repeat, please contact me through PM for any RS links you want re-hosting of my videos Smile

07.06.2014, 08:41

Re: Rapidshare changes?

I'm logged in to my RS account Smile i'm downloading my own file Smile there letting me download it at 26kb Blush

Not the best way to show good will to a former user who helped them grow through my links Thumb up

18.03.2014, 21:47

Re: Rapidshare changes?

upstream wrote:...

i don´t think so Joker cause storage becomes more important in those days after NSA-times look at here.....
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]
But not for 50$ per month.
And even if the data is safe regarding access by 3 letter agencies, who will trust in Rapidshare?
What they messed up the last year with their terms of business will need years of dependability to get back trust.


18.03.2014, 01:27

Re: Rapidshare changes?

Joker1305 wrote:
upstream wrote:It´s a quite logical improvement for a company who is now willing to increase the count of loyal users who still publish legal stuff and have in their mind a storage of back-up files just of the intention safety first Smile...
Well, the only safety you have with RS is the terms of business change in disfavor of the customer each 3 months.
So it's no wonder they now prepare to terminate their business.


i don´t think so Joker cause storage becomes more important in those days after NSA-times look at here.....
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

17.03.2014, 21:09

Re: Rapidshare changes?

upstream wrote:It´s a quite logical improvement for a company who is now willing to increase the count of loyal users who still publish legal stuff and have in their mind a storage of back-up files just of the intention safety first Smile...
Well, the only safety you have with RS is the terms of business change in disfavor of the customer each 3 months.
So it's no wonder they now prepare to terminate their business.


17.03.2014, 12:56

Re: Rapidshare changes?

It´s a quite logical improvement for a company who is now willing to increase the count of loyal users who still publish legal stuff and have in their mind a storage of back-up files just of the intention safety first Smile...

As you see the millions of file sharing portals are not interest to use this service anymore...
So you see you are riding on a sunken ship...

17.03.2014, 11:43

Re: Rapidshare changes?

this next great improvement has lowered my Premium from 3 years down to 1 year left.
I'm not sure but isn't this reason enough to quit immediately and to ask for getting the money back???

14.03.2014, 15:43

Re: Rapidshare changes?

I have been informed of more changes at RS Tongue please don't hesitate to inform me through private message of my dead RS links and please, use this rather than posting in threads Smile

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]



28.01.2014, 20:09

Re: Rapidshare changes?

kyke50 wrote:Today, Rapidshare has only allowed me 1 download. I've tried several times and has not allowed me to download anything.
This time JDownloader also failed.
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I tried to download two little files and its working for me( ,just damn slow ).
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