Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

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05.10.2010, 05:54

Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

Moderators/Admin, feel free to delete this when the target is reached.

15.12.2011, 00:33

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

a date to remember

14.12.2011, 21:29

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

only 20Thumb up
tonight i don't go to sleep till [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

14.12.2011, 20:56

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

suspenceBig GrinBig Grin

14.12.2011, 20:44

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
Buccaneer wrote:... just 25!!! Smile

I'll remove some VIPs and so we raise the suspense till christmas. Smile

Till the [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] would be a better idea Cool

14.12.2011, 20:33

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

Buccaneer wrote:... just 25!!! Smile

I'll remove some VIPs and so we raise the suspense till christmas. Smile

14.12.2011, 20:29

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

... just 25!!! Smile

12.12.2011, 23:13

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

alex wrote:
brudgon wrote:vip member statusThumb up

moderator for the first day...Big Grin
wow Big Grin like mr lstv forum awards?Thumb up
great ideaThumb upCool

12.12.2011, 23:13

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

alex wrote:
brudgon wrote:vip member statusThumb up

moderator for the first day...Big Grin

immediately bin is possible, too. Tongue

12.12.2011, 23:10

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

brudgon wrote:vip member statusThumb up

moderator for the first day...Big Grin

12.12.2011, 23:07

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

alex wrote:
Buccaneer wrote:...just only 199 to 100000! Big Grin

do we need a present for member nr. 100.000? Tongue

vip member statusThumb up

12.12.2011, 23:05

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

Buccaneer wrote:...just only 199 to 100000! Big Grin

do we need a present for member nr. 100.000? Tongue

12.12.2011, 23:04

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

Buccaneer wrote:...just only 199 to 100000! Big Grin

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

12.12.2011, 22:57

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

...just only 199 to 100000! Big Grin

11.12.2011, 21:32

Re: Wow! ... 50,000 members & Counting

Watcher wrote:
dazaman wrote:
Watcher wrote:edit2: [geek] The above projection is based on a linear growth of the membership, which it isn't.
The 20,000 increase from 50,000 to 70,000 took 147 days whilst the 20,000 increase from 70,000 to 90,000 took 179 days.
Based on this diminishing rate of increase, 100,000 members should be achieved on ...
Monday 12th December. [/geek]

Cool [geek] you forgot the silly season factor xmas parties or shopping Confused in the week you mention.
So i was thinking 18th at 11:50pm - 00:10 the 19th of december 100.000 will be reached [/geekier]

Time will tell ... Smile .

[ubergeek] There are insufficient points to calculate the exact shape of the curve so the projected 100,000 point is difficult to find.
My "Monday 12th December" is based on breakpoints at 10,000 intervals with a percentage decrease in slope for the next linear segment.
This may give an early prediction, in which case your "silly season" compensation may be valid but it could give a late prediction, in which case your "silly season" compensation is built in. It depends on how my curve approximation fits with the real curve. [/ubergeek]
As I said, Time will tell ... Cool .

We may of been joking at the time but its looking close Blush