Off-Topic Discussion

4.31 (13 Bewertung(en))

(4.31 / 5, 13 Bewertungen)

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03.08.2013, 11:27

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Mr_Niceguy wrote:What I don't understand is that you still watch it if you don't like it.

As Cirano has written, for my part, I like ETV, I don't like the people behind it: the staff, the viewers, the pimps (which can belong to one or both groups). I also don't like some models, but that's another point.

Mr_Niceguy wrote:What I understand even less is that you are willing to dedicate entire hours (I deduct this from the sheer number of posts made by some or the sheer length by others) behind your computer to comment and Judge every little detail not only from ETV but also from the people who do enjoy it. It seems to point to an utterly empty life which calls for pity.

I assure you that the time I spend writing even lenghty posts is often less than 2 minutes. And, given the behaviour of some of those who answer, I lost interest in most replies a long time ago. So, from that point of view, I waste even less time reading.

Mr_Niceguy wrote:Comments made that people who do love it have no life seem a bit strange to me as it would seem obvious to me you wanna do something with your life you like to do.

This is mere wishful thinking. I, on the other hand, would like to see the "richness of life" of people who spend most of their time talking to a girl for money (not to mention that of people who defend these people like it's something normal), take the example of the person who's reserving Ju for hours every day, for more than 200€ each time. This is not normal, and is not a sign of a normal life, no matter how you look at it. Is he free to do that? Of course he is, but he can't expect people not to mock him and not judge him. Just like I mock people who send heartbroken SMS or who write mawkish posts, and we go back to what I wrote in a previous post: you don't want people to mock you? Shut up or just call and/or send e-mails, that way the public will not even know about you. Seeing countless people writing love SMS to the models who respond with stuff like "you're a true friend", "I've been thinking about you all the time", "Where were you? I have so much to talk to you about" personally disgusts me, because it's a vile and revolting way to take advantage of people's weaknesses, and it's what ETV is doing right now with their "best customers", who are unaware that when the show (or, in the worst cases, even the call) is over, models and staff very often laugh together (..."all the way to the bank", as a popular saying goes, although this is harder in recent times). People are gullible and so, yes, they will be mocked, but there are worse individuals.

The rest of what you wrote is a distortion and your personal perception, probably because some of these comments hit a nerve.

03.08.2013, 11:15

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Well, it certainly is understandable if people don't like ETV. What I don't understand is that you still watch it if you don't like it. What I understand even less is that you are willing to dedicate entire hours (I deduct this from the sheer number of posts made by some or the sheer length by others) behind your computer to comment and Judge every little detail not only from ETV but also from the people who do enjoy it. It seems to point to an utterly empty life which calls for pity. Comments made that people who do love it have no life seem a bit strange to me as it would seem obvious to me you wanna do something with your life you like to do. I guess this puts the finger on the spot. You lot are mocking the forum because this is what you like to do. You like to upset and disturb other people and making them feel bad, makes you feel good. This is why it is so important you are stopped, you contribute nothing and personally I would have kicked you long ago.I hope despite your best efforts you do not succeed in your goal to bring people's mood down. I would suggest you to do something positiv and add something to the world instead of trying to bring everybody down. In the end you end up hurting yourself most of all. For Giovanni I would give a Thumb up and keep it up Smile

03.08.2013, 02:21

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

I apologize in advance to moderators and all users of this forum.
I never thought of having to write a post about myself but a user forces me to do so.
Mr. Slowfox wrote several sentences that are much closer to insult that "divertissment",
then, given the big tolerance and liberality demonstrated by moderators in this situation,
let me render him the honors. In my own way.

The moderators have done the right thing not censoring your post, Slow.
All the forum users were able to see that your elegant style turns out totally false.
You are a hypocrite. A fake.
You lost your head delivering a post full of falsehood and insults.
Your mask has fallen down, sir, and the face that you hid behind it is really squalid.
The only good thing is that everyone now can recognize you for what you really are.

So, he comes angry like a wild pig
Lol, it's just a single target, but big
Oh, easily my sword will stick in it
Well cooking the chicken on a spit


but let me say this, Dr. Freud would have really fun with you as a new field of research.
I really appreciate your effort to try humoristic writing but, let me say this, you still have to work on it a lot.

a) you are suffering form insomnia, as writing only during night times
So what? Well, I write late at night because often go out at night: I write here when get home.
I hope you don't mind, if during the day I prefer to dedicate myself to other occupations.
However, it is true: sometimes I suffer from insomnia, but it could happen worse: there are people suffering from spastic colon.

b) you are lacking other activities, as you seem to be in need to get ridd of some superflouos energy
I got the luck (the luck, not the lack) and / or the skill of being managed to transform my passions into a job.
Writing, is one of my passions. Writing sometime here, for me, it is simply a fun.

c) you are lacking sex, same reason as b)
I'm not married but I have a girlfriend. I think she would laugh at your kind words.

d) you are just a poor envious mind, jealous of people doing something you can not do
I suppose you wrote this sentence after a severe spastic colon attack.
Anyway, time ago, I saw the Roshana's face looking very bored while she was talking on the phone with you in a reserved hour.
Is that what you mean by "doing something you can not do"?

e) you are suffering from excessive ego
You're right, but it was not very difficult to understand: just look at the avatar that I have chosen ...
Anyway, my congratulations for your acumen.
e) raising yourself to the white knight of the ETV haters
I wanna be clear, because you are still unable to understand me. I don't hate Etv, but I like it.
Just because I like it, I feel great contempt for the Etv leaders whose decisions
are slowly bringing this channel to agony, both on TV and on the web.
I feel great contempt also for the viewers who support (perhaps in return for small privileges),
giving up to use their brain and their critical faculties, all of the molvanian decisions.
The tracks of the existence of these people can be found almost every day on the molvanian wall.
If, on both the TV and the web, the quality of the shows and models has been declining steadily,
the responsibility is also of people like them. Like you.
I have been clear enough?

f) you have no friends, as you need to articulate your concerns in a public forum
I am very pleased that you are interested in my person. Thank you, Slow. Unfortunately, I have to contradict you:
I have several friends, both virtual (also in other forums) that real and, as wrote above, also a gf (and two cats, too).

g) you just love to be the bad guy; poor you
My girlfriend often tells me: "you are a bad guy."
Girls love the bad guys. Did you know?

f) and this is the worst, you just have fun to stirr up things for nothing
Maybe things for nothing, but not useless things.

well, with your messages in this regard you reached alread 4th of your yoghurt ranking
I think that among the many things you lack understanding, it is necessary to add also the rules of the Yogurt Cup.

well, now that you Slow know something more about me I think it's appropriate time let us make peace
peace... ...or piss...
(I don't remember exactly)

As did Indian chiefs with Yankees to seal peace,
I also offer you the pipe of peace, and a small gift.
The doctor said that it is a very effective remedy for the problem of spastic colon.
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

03.08.2013, 00:38

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
Chris26 wrote:And I'd like an answer: how is this "disgusting", but the mocking LiveShow awards weren't?

quite easy: in the awards the crying kids were removed from the nominations.

My request was legitimate, but I know that it was too hard to some of you to admit I was right.

03.08.2013, 00:21

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

eigentor wrote:Now back ON TOPIC please, thank you. Smile

My post addresses an issue related to the Wall, which is contained in the Website.
If there is an off-topic post, it's yours. Smile
You're welcome.

Back to the Wall-related matter, I see no harm in creating this trophy and "competition".
You can simply ignore it if you don't like it. Isn't that what you tell people who complain about the shows, after all? "Don't watch if you don't like it". Big Grin

Not to mention that if someone who writes on the Wall feels offended by something written here, geez, I feel sorry for his life.
And also not to mention that whatever one writes with the intention of seeing it put in a public place can and will be judged by people.
If you don't want people to mock you, there's a simple solution: shut up, or use non-public channels (calls, e-mail).

About the premium shows, for sure it's OK to like them, for example there are some I like and some that I don't (as all normal people), what is not OK is not allowing people not to like them.
As well as it's not OK to not allow people to like them, but I have an itchy feeling in the back of my head that the first scenario occurs more often than the second.

03.08.2013, 00:02

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Yeah, exactly. So, if anyone here feels the need to be "pampered beyond reason“, just do as Chris has said.
Btw, before I forget again...

Chris26 wrote:- I want a free T-Shirt for the WTF Zone, though. Sad
...there you go, buddy...congrats Thumb up

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

Now back ON TOPIC please, thank you. Smile

02.08.2013, 23:16

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Tarl_Cabot wrote:
Chris26 wrote:And I'd like an answer: how is this "disgusting", but the mocking LiveShow awards weren't?

quite easy: in the awards the crying kids were removed from the nominations.

That doesn't seem to align with what I remember, but for the sake of argument let's say it's true.
Do you see any complaints here pertaining to those who have written on the Wall, as of yet?

If the answer is "No", then your answer is unrelated.

And I can't help but think that should a complain actually materialize here, the complainer wouldn't be called a "crying kid" (seriously, liven up your repertoire a bit!) but he would be pampered beyond reason. Smile

02.08.2013, 21:35

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Chris26 wrote:And I'd like an answer: how is this "disgusting", but the mocking LiveShow awards weren't?

quite easy: in the awards the crying kids were removed from the nominations.

02.08.2013, 20:29

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Slowfox wrote:
Chris26 wrote:Tch, Slow, I believe I already wrote this: put away the mirror before writing or you risk mixing people up.
Or you may have simply mistakenly addressed your post to Cirano instead of Nightawk.

As for the argument at hand, I just find it funny how the LiveShow awards, particularly the mocking categories, were OK, but this is "disgusting" and "unacceptable".

Awwww, how nice, protecting your soulmate

I just shed a tear for the brotherhood of the mirror holders

Thanks, I do my best. Thumb up

And I'd like an answer: how is this "disgusting", but the mocking LiveShow awards weren't?

Just, show some imagination for once and avoid the trite "Those were just for fun" answer. Smile

02.08.2013, 15:52

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

shagshaggy wrote:Where are the moderators here I suggest to grab hold of these guys fighting their is the pm button
if they think their favorative model cares about them they are out of their tree
Once you stop calling or sms their girls, they will quickly be forgotten.

Suggest to read below again. It was not about any model.

It was all initiated by a pretty offensive message about people who wrote on the ETV wall, with one individual raising himself to judge about this in a really bad way.

Basically it is not his, mine, your or our business to get rude on these people. Each his own. Live and let live.

02.08.2013, 13:13

The Weather Man...

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig] Welcome to Alsace aka Torrid Land Thumb up

Hey Guys, if you want to come to my Land, don't forget your sunglasses Cool

A splendid afternoon to the readers Cool

02.08.2013, 12:31

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Where are the moderators here I suggest to grab hold of these guys fighting their is the pm button
if they think their favorative model cares about them they are out of their tree
Once you stop calling or sms their girls, they will quickly be forgotten.

02.08.2013, 11:28

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Chris26 wrote:Tch, Slow, I believe I already wrote this: put away the mirror before writing or you risk mixing people up.
Or you may have simply mistakenly addressed your post to Cirano instead of Nightawk.

As for the argument at hand, I just find it funny how the LiveShow awards, particularly the mocking categories, were OK, but this is "disgusting" and "unacceptable".

Awwww, how nice, protecting your soulmate

I just shed a tear for the brotherhood of the mirror holders

02.08.2013, 10:48

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

Tch, Slow, I believe I already wrote this: put away the mirror before writing or you risk mixing people up.
Or you may have simply mistakenly addressed your post to Cirano instead of Nightawk.

As for the argument at hand, I just find it funny how the LiveShow awards, particularly the mocking categories, were OK, but this is "disgusting" and "unacceptable".

02.08.2013, 08:03

Re: Off-Topic Discussion

@ cirano

well, I will not waste more time on this for you as basically it is too expensive, for you unafordable.

but let me say this, Dr. Freud would have really fun with you as a new field of research. am not an expert, however what comes to my mind

a) you are suffering form insomnia, as writing only during night times
b) you are lacking other activities, as you seem to be in need to get ridd of some superflouos energy
c) you are lacking sex, same reason as b)
d) you are just a poor envious mind, jealous of people doing something you can not do
e) you are suffering from excessive ego, raising yourself to the white knight of the ETV haters
f) you have no friends, as you need to articulate your concerns in a public forum
g) you just love to be the bad guy; poor you
f) and this is the worst, you just have fun to stirr up things for nothing

well, with your messages in this regard you reached already 4th place of your yoghurt ranking

I strongly recommend you to get ridd of some pressure and calm down yourself. do some sports, read a good book, spend a night with friends, case you have any.
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