News from the World

3.69 (16 Bewertung(en))

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28.06.2016, 19:44

Re: News from the World

Nigel Farage who made a gloating speech full of biting sarcasm and insults at the european parliament and called for a "grown up and sensible attitude on how to negotiate a different economical relationship and then declared that the members of the european parliament have never done a proper job in their lives. For sure, such an attitude isn't helping the UK at all but he didn't have to wait long for an appropriate answer:

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Click here to play the video: [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

1. Jean Claude Juncker "Why are you here?"
2. Guy Verhofstedt - lies about migration, lies about 350 mill. pounds, betrayal of the voters and dual kingdom
3. Scottish MEP Alyn Smith standing ovations for "Do not let Scotland down"

Is it even possible to build bridges when there are so deep divisions, so deep trenches? I don't think so anymore and meanwhile I highly doubt it that the EU will give the UK a status similar to Switzerland and Norway. The negotiations about UK's disengagement from the EU should start as soon as possible. After some reading in the last days it makes me deeply sad that so many UK-citizens see the european community as some sort of an "evil empire".

Bud Spencer and Götz George - two more heroes of my childhood CryCryCry
2016 is indeed just a very, very bad year CryCryCry

27.06.2016, 23:37

Re: News from the World

R.I.P. [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig], Italian actor, filmmaker and professional swimmer, best known for his roles in many action-comedy films with his long-time film partner Terence Hill CryCry

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

27.06.2016, 20:47

Re: News from the World

maximmus wrote:The most important thing all amongst this brexit turmoil is ,will the forum survive and will us brits have to leave and do our own

To be honest I can't really see access to this forum being an issue despite us being out of the EU. I know of at least 2 current members here living in countries outside of the EU who post on a regular basis not having any issues. No scaremongering please! Lol Big Grin

Many people have gone on about the domino effect but the only dominoes I see falling at the moment are resignations within the Government and the opposition party. Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn is under intense pressure now that 20 members of the shadow cabinet have resigned giving him a vote of no confidence.

Some within the Labour camp have even accused Corbyn of even voting to leave and its been rumoured that on the night of the Referendum he simply fucked off to his bed at 11PM and missed the whole thing as the results came flooding in. (What, not even Babestation on the menu Corbyn) Big Grin

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

27.06.2016, 09:15

Re: News from the World

The most important thing all amongst this brexit turmoil is ,will the forum survive and will us brits have to leave and do our own

26.06.2016, 23:18

Re: News from the World

Scottishbloke wrote:I agree with a lot of the points....

Never expected that to happen... Big Grin

As chancellor Gordon Brown was arguably the best we ever had. As Prime Minister I disagree, he was in charge of the country when we went into a recession back in 2008.

Well, I'd say if a politician has to be blamed for that, then it's George Walker Bush. His laws and extremely shortsighted madman-regulations of the american markets, especially real estate markets led directly to the worst recession the world has seen for decades. For some time it even seemed possible that the world economy was on the verge of a collapse and it was close. Even the very strong german economy was affected pretty badly. It has hit all the european countries very hard, but in my opinion there was nothing that could have been done to avoid it or to escape quickly. It was like being directly hit by a tsunami - you have no chance at all.

Remember that was a crisis at a scale the world hasn't seen since 1929. It was one of the finest hours of the EU and the international monetary fund. Every european country only on it's own - that would have ended very badly with far more worse consequences. Forget the bumper-stick wisdom about they were mainly saving banks, even countries could have gone bankrupt back then. A strong european community and a handful clever politicians saved us. Wanna guess who was one of them? There was nothing in the world he could have done to avoid the crisis, but he helped us to get out much more quickly. As I said don't underestimate him, this guy is highly intelligent and probably has a better knowledge about politics, how the economy, how the markets work than anybody else walking planet earth.

It was the worst global economical crisis since a very long, long time and when that happens you want to have the best man with best ideas & concepts leading the country. He was the right man at the right place at the right time. Well, worst times back then, but especially in such times you want the best, the smartest leader and imho he proved to be that. That's why he's one the finest for me. The bigger picture makes very often quite a difference. Sadly being prime minister when a recession hits the world doesn't help you at all to win elections...

Back then our countries were working together, were moving in the same direction, Things have changed in a very bad way ... Cry

26.06.2016, 22:58

Re: News from the World

Unexpectedly Götz George died at the age of 77 years
One of the last great German actor, known for his role as "Tatort" commissioner Horst Schimanski.
And the hero of my youth.
[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]


26.06.2016, 21:00

Re: News from the World

Dackel0401 wrote:there's also the very scary thought of people like Boris Johnson & Nigel Farage who could be running the United Kingdom soon.

Apparantly one of the main reasons why the british people decided to vote for "leave" is immigration. Fear is never a good basis, never a good adivser for rational decisions and in most cases fear will triumph over rationality & common sense. In my opinion UKIP and his populist leader chief-demagogue Nigel Farage understood that perfectly and they played their cards very well. Especially him, but also Boris Johnson (yes, the same Boris Johnson who said a year ago to the german spiegel that there are way more reasons to stay in the EU than to leave) who apparantly wants to become the next prime minister at all costs.

I agree with a lot of the points you have just raised Dackel. Immigration is a huge problem here in the UK, I ofcourse can't comment on how this issue has effected the other countries in the EU as that would be pure speculation on my part. I'll give you an example here, at my work I remember seeing a huge pile of application forms sitting on the HR women's desk and I questioned her as to why out of 20 there 10 of them were of those born and bred in the UK yet so few were being given the opportunity of employment and I was blatantly told that only Polish workers were wanted because apparently the British workers in comparison were lazy. Just what kind of a message does this send out to my fellow countrymen. Being discriminated against in your own country is a very bitter pill to swallow.

I remember signing on the dole 10 years ago and no matter which jobs I went for I was being turned down left, right and centre, yet somebody from Poland can simply board a plane and be given a job before the plane has even touched down. Because I ended up being unemployed for longer than 18 months I ended up being forced to attend a job centre club Monday to Friday and I remember a number of us when being questioned as to why we were not employable material with the very simple answer being, Is it because we're not Polish. Don't get me wrong I am not a racist nor am I a bigget as I visited Poland 2 years ago and you couldn't have met any nicer or welcoming people. They treated me exceptionally well and made me feel very welcome for the 2 weeks in which I spent there.

When I was in Poland I asked out of curiosity what the monthly wage was likely to be for the average Pole and the figures added up to the equivalent of just under a weeks wages here in the UK. I thought to myself something has gone badly wrong here hence the reason why they are all over here in the UK.

Dackel0401 wrote:Six more years for Gordon Brown and I'm sure things would be a lot different. Imho one the best and smartest Prime Ministers (underestimated, but one of the finest I'd say) Britain ever had. He knows and understands the value of the EU and it's importance for the UK. He would have been the right choice to lead Britain in a better future, not David Cameron and for sure not Boris Johnson.

As chancellor Gordon Brown was arguably the best we ever had. As Prime Minister I disagree, he was in charge of the country when we went into a recession back in 2008. With regards to Boris, what a 2 faced weasel. One comedian famously referred to him as too blonde even for the Third Reich Blush

Lastly I've long bemoaned the fact that this forum doesn't spark up enough debates so in recent days its been music to my ears to see such a healthy debate take place and long may it continue Thumb up and very nice to see that its been kept at a sensible discussion as other forums which I used to post on debates like this used to end up turning downright nasty and what started off as a discussion quickly spiralled out of control into personal insults being exchanged.

26.06.2016, 20:54

Re: News from the World

maximmus wrote:...

Not sure where these figures come from ,there certainly not official ...
Well, I can't judge if it's official, it's from a major German Newspaper:
[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]


26.06.2016, 19:47

Re: News from the World

As it wasn't all bad enough so far (and much, much worse than I expected):

FTSE 100 loses £100bn in four days as Brexit paralyses markets and pound crumbles

Anxiety about the UK’s possible exit from the European Union triggered the FTSE 100’s steepest daily fall since mid-February, with the blue chip index dropping 121.44 points, or 2.01pc, to 5,923.53.

In just four days, more than £98bn has been wiped off the value of Britain’s biggest companies.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

there's also the very scary thought of people like Boris Johnson & Nigel Farage who could be running the United Kingdom soon.

Apparantly one of the main reasons why the british people decided to vote for "leave" is immigration. Fear is never a good basis, never a good adivser for rational decisions and in most cases fear will triumph over rationality & common sense. In my opinion UKIP and his populist leader chief-demagogue Nigel Farage understood that perfectly and they played their cards very well. Especially him, but also Boris Johnson (yes, the same Boris Johnson who said a year ago to the german spiegel that there are way more reasons to stay in the EU than to leave) who apparantly wants to become the next prime minister at all costs.

Immigration is a huge problem, I fully agree here. It's not only a problem for the UK, but also for most other european countries and we have to find acceptable solutions for every country. The sooner, the better. It's not easy and yes, the EU has done a lousy job when it comes to that so far. The Brexit is a clear, loud warning shot and I deeply hope the EU has fully understood by now that things have to change. Massive changes will be necessary...

Farage & Johnson have painted a very dark picture of a threat from lazy immigrants, from inside the EU and outside the EU. Their main intention? Plundering the british welfare-system. That happens, I don't deny it and not all immigrants have good intentions. That can be fixed by changing the rules and still remain to be a social state. Don't give public assistance benefits out like candy - it will attract the wrong people. Merkel should have learned that by now - hopefully! There are some countries in the EU where you have to be in a working contract for at least 24 months till you have any claim to unemployment benefit. Arrangments like that would help to sort out the "good" from the "bad". The second would lose interest in such a country quickly. Make it harder for the "freeloaders", take good care of the hardworking people and help to people who need it when their claims are eligible.

The Brexit should have never happened and it seems fear played a major role in it. The solutions offered by Johnson & Farage are only good for making things worse. The foretaste is terrible enough and hopefully the sitation will stabilize and get better again. Imagine you have a beautiful car with a defective wheel bearing. You replace the wheel bearing, you repair it, you don't burn down the whole car.

Six more years for Gordon Brown and I'm sure things would be a lot different. Imho one the best and smartest Prime Ministers (underestimated, but one of the finest I'd say) Britain ever had. He knows and understands the value of the EU and it's importance for the UK. He would have been the right choice to lead Britain in a better future, not David Cameron and for sure not Boris Johnson.

Am I biased and subjective? For sure, but I guess most people will agree that things have gone horribly wrong and as always in the end the common man, the man in the street will have to pay the bill, not Johnson, Cameron or Farage who did a great job helping creating this enormous mess...

26.06.2016, 17:59

Re: News from the World

Well I know that back in 2014 many in the European Union were firmly against the break up of the United Kingdom and were not all that keen on Scotland attempting to join the EU as an Independent nation. However since a change in circumstance I'd be willing to bet that most if not all (Spain apart) Confused would be very happy to see Scotland continue as a member free from the shackles of Westminster. We used to joke about the possibility of the English having to enter Scotland via customs but if we go independent as join the EU then this could possibly become a reality Smile

As comedian Kevin Bridges said at the time, Scotland will have its own plug sockets and new currency which we'll call the smackeroonie Big Grin

[Verstecktes Bild - Registrierung notwendig]

26.06.2016, 17:46

Re: News from the World

Scottishbloke wrote:Meanwhile up here in Scotland plans are underway to block the UK's exit from the EU. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has told Westminster that Hollyrood could possibly block it. Failing that then a second Independence Referendum could be also be on the cards.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Another scenario is that a 2nd Referendum on Brexit could also be called - [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

More than 3.1 million people have signed the petition, although PM David Cameron has previously said there will be no second referendum. It's also claimed that the petition could be fraudulent.

Lastly another General Election could also be called sooner rather than later in the wake of the the UK's EU exit. As they say a week is a long time in politics so despite the EU exit all this could be changed and could very well be reversed. Watch this space. Not very often is the political events of the UK covered outside of the UK but going through all the news channels this news has caused massive shockwaves throughout the world and has been the main news on even the American news channels such as Fox and CNN.
Sorry, but a 2nd Referendum would make everything to a farce.
After the stock market has crashed, the exchange rates have fallen, retune.
And stock traders get rich, while small investors lose a lot of money.
No offense, but I can only hope the EU can not be kidding so, and let the UK play a stupid game.

Scotland And Northern Ireland must be welcome in the EU, if they want.
But the decision has now already led to much chaos, there is no way back.
Because all others soon make a referendum for fun. Big Grin
And stock traders play games.

26.06.2016, 17:45

Re: News from the World

EU referendum: Sinn Fein says British government can't speak for Northern Irish citizens

The unity of the United Kingdom has been called into question as a top political party in Northern Ireland has alluded to a possible independence referendum. Sinn Fein chairman Declan Kearney said in a statement: "This outcome tonight dramatically changes the political landscape here in the north of Ireland and we will be intensifying our case for the calling of a border poll".

"The British government as a direct result have forfeited any mandate to represent the interests of people here in the north of Ireland in circumstances where the north is dragged out of Europe as a result of a vote to leave."​The comments also come after First Minister Nicola Sturgeon issued a statement that said the Scottish people see their future within the EU.

The Scottish National Party had in their manifesto a pledge for a second independence referendum if there was a material change, including the UK voting to leave the EU but Scotland voting to remain...

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

26.06.2016, 17:38

Re: News from the World

Joker1305 wrote:
maximmus wrote:...

I agree i dont want Boris , never wanted Cameron but then i never want a tory government.Here in London you have ghetto's with just Polish and the Baltic states countrymen.In London borough of Newham English is only the 3rd commonly used language
Anyway in London about 60% voted to stay in EU.
But it's the same in Germany, those who affected least by immigration and refugees are most afraid of it Confused


Not sure where these figures come from ,there certainly not official maybe exit polls which are as reliable as the weather in our small islands. Or maybe the migrants made up the extra 12 % to national average.The majority in Northern Ireland of voting age are still protestant and while it is so will always will want to remain part of the United Kingdom

26.06.2016, 17:15

Re: News from the World

Meanwhile up here in Scotland plans are underway to block the UK's exit from the EU. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has told Westminster that Hollyrood could possibly block it. Failing that then a second Independence Referendum could be also be on the cards.

[Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

Another scenario is that a 2nd Referendum on Brexit could also be called - [Versteckter Link - Registrierung notwendig]

More than 3.1 million people have signed the petition, although PM David Cameron has previously said there will be no second referendum. It's also claimed that the petition could be fraudulent.

Lastly another General Election could also be called sooner rather than later in the wake of the the UK's EU exit. As they say a week is a long time in politics so despite the EU exit all this could be changed and could very well be reversed. Watch this space. Not very often is the political events of the UK covered outside of the UK but going through all the news channels this news has caused massive shockwaves throughout the world and has been the main news on even the American news channels such as Fox and CNN.

26.06.2016, 12:34

Re: News from the World

maximmus wrote:...

I agree i dont want Boris , never wanted Cameron but then i never want a tory government.Here in London you have ghetto's with just Polish and the Baltic states countrymen.In London borough of Newham English is only the 3rd commonly used language
Anyway in London about 60% voted to stay in EU.
But it's the same in Germany, those who affected least by immigration and refugees are most afraid of it Confused
