
5 (6 Bewertung(en))

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23.12.2009, 21:23


I wish all the Members of this Site and the Rest of the World a merry Christmas and a happy new Year! Let us all hope for a good 2010 and for good,hot Shows on all Channel they ecxist!HeartHeartHeart

26.12.2023, 00:50

Re: Christmas

My time here ended a few years ago - life changes and we move on and sadly it seems have most of the old names and contacts.
So I'd just like to say Thank You to all the admins, contributors and friends I had here who gave me so much pleasure for so many years.
Daz, Mauro, Dirk, quiqems, zxccxz, babewatcher, aceman, dreamlander, alex, andy, yaznee, brudgon, mrmann and so many more - wherever you are guys, we had the golden age and thank you for letting me be part of it.
I wish you and all visitors here best wishes for Christmas and for 2024

25.12.2022, 11:45

Re: Christmas


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24.12.2022, 15:09

Re: Christmas

To all who, regardless of faith, still maintain and follow this channel, I wish peace at Christmas time, joy and well-being in families, precious peace in the soul.
oldman JurajCool

24.12.2021, 11:32

Re: Christmas

Merry Christmas in spite of all the misery to all the members, maybe the coming year will bring you better..I greet the fell here from the cold and snowy Finland.

25.12.2020, 11:11

Re: Christmas


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24.12.2020, 12:36

Re: Christmas

Dear Mr. dazaman,
I hope that the year 2021 will bring a reform of this famous site with the input of all members.
As Holy Christmas approaches, I wish you all good things, that the Birth of Christ the King will bring you much health and every blessing from Heaven.
With esteem and respect.

24.12.2020, 10:48

Re: Christmas

It is rare that I post anymore due to other priorities in life. This thread is one that always brings a smile to my face as people stay on topic in here Smile

Regarding this year, it has been a freaky time (good and bad) mainly the latter :/ So with that in mind, I wish every member of the forum a happy christmas and best wishes for the holidays.

Stay safe and try to switch off from the negatives Smile

24.12.2020, 09:41

Re: Christmas

To all lovers around the world Merry and peaceful Christmas from here in the snowy corner of Finland ..
hopes for the mountain ..

24.12.2020, 09:23

Re: Christmas

Merry Christmas to the Admins and all the Members. Time to say good bye (or better fuck off 2020). Lets hope for much better Times next Year! In love

23.12.2020, 23:13

Re: Christmas

Same to you,waltwhite11 and please keep safe.SmileThumb up

23.12.2020, 12:01

Re: Christmas

Merry Christmas, everyone. Have a great time Smile

23.12.2020, 08:11

Re: Christmas

I wish the Admin and all Members of this Site a great Christmas.
From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another.
Whatever your creed or religion This is a time for good will and good cheer
The warmth and joy of Christmas
oldman JurajCool

25.12.2019, 11:01

Re: Christmas

To all the members of LSTV, the admin & the Mods I wish

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24.12.2019, 18:35

Re: Christmas

Well it's been a while since my last log in, it's truly sad to see how quiet this forum has become but with the state the channels are in now it was always going to be a possibility. Anyhow I thought I would log in again to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and also to confirm that I am still alive Big Grin
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